
4 good nutrition for prevent heart disease

Try to take the meter, measure the circumference of the abdomen through the navel. Obesity is most at risk of heart attack is the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Be careful if your abdomen circumference exceeding 102 cm for men and more than 88 cm for women. Even more so if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels.

Likewise, among others warning Dr.dr. Siti Fadilah Supari, Sp.JP of Harapa We Heart Hospital, now the Minister of Health, in the archives seminar "Ways of Healthy Living With Heart Disease and Diabetes". In order to shrink the risk of heart disease, lower your weight. Set fiisk activities, thought patterns, and diet. Reproduce the following foods, according to David Edelberg, MD from Holistic and Internal Medicine at Illinois Masonic Medical Center, USA, to help reduce risk of heart disease.

1. Soluble fiber

Lots contained in the oatmeal (oats); brown rice; wheat bread (whole wheat bread); fruit eaten with skin such as apples, pears, guava; berpektin fruits such as papaya high; beans and legumes such as boiled peanuts ari-skinned, red beans, green beans, peanuts Tolo, soybeans. Soluble fiber cut the risk of heart disease by binding to LDL bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein).

2. Folate

The main sources are green leafy vegetables. Including the local green vegetables, such as cassava leaves, papaya leaves, pumpkin leaves, bean leaves, leaf melinjo, fern leaves, kale, mustard greens / caisim. Legumes were abundant folate, including red beans, green beans, peanuts Tolo, soybeans. Folate reduced homocysteine levels in the blood, one type of amino acids that potentially increase the risk of heart disease.

3. Omega-3

Lots contained in fish, especially fish-rich sea in fat, such as salmon. If fresh or brackish water rich in fat, such as cork fish, catfish, milkfish fish, also contain omega-3, although there were not many. Besides the fish, omega-3 also found in nuts, such as peanuts, cashews, walnuts. But walnut is nuts omega-3 source of the best. In conclusion a number of research results mentioned omega-3 able to loosen the blockage of the arteries and make him relax. In addition, omega-3 also reduced bad cholesterol is VLDL (very low density lipoprotein), which contribute to the risk of cardiovascular disease.

4. Unsaturated fats (Fat monounsaturated)

Can be found in olive oil, olives, seeds (especially white and black sesame), and peanut oil. Unsaturated fats can lower heart disease risk, by way of reduced blood cholesterol levels. Unlike the highly unsaturated oils (polyunsaturated fat), efficacy of unsaturated oils are not easy to drop because of the oxidation process by reacting with hot air and cooking. To distance themselves from the threat of heart disease, should stay away from or avoid foods rich in saturated fats, such as meat, chicken, butter, fat cheese. Exacerbate saturated fat clot caused by the buildup of cholesterol. (idionline / NeT)