
If Fruit Feels Too Sweet

Author by David Klein

If sweet fruit feels too sweet, makes your teeth hurt, gives you strange and unpleasant body sensations, or fatigue, that indicates that you are toxic inside and you have over eaten. Being toxic means your digestive tract and blood stream are soiled with toxic debris from indigestible or poorly digested and uneliminated foodstuffs.

Bacteria will colonize internal debris. They serve the beneficial function of breaking down the debris/mucus/phlegm for elimination. If we have an overload of debris we will have a huge population of bacteria. When when fruit sugar comes into contact with the bacteria-infested debris in the alimentary canal, the bacteria feast on the sugar. The result is fermentation, i.e., the bacteria consume sugar and excrete alcohol, vinegar and gases. The alcohol, vinegar and gases poison and damage our tissues and nerves, and impair our brain functions, including our thinking. Thus, we can become “food drunk.”

We can overcome the problem of sugar fermentation by fasting (flushing out with water) and then making a transition to a naturally cleansing diet of 100% raw foods or juices, following proper food combining for optimum digestion. Water will assist the body’s self-purifying and eliminative actions. A citrus juice “cleanse” with diluted or undiluted juices will also help flush debris out of the system — the acids in the juices help break up accumulations of sticky and hardened toxic debris for elimination.

Once we have cleaned out our digestive tract and colon and our blood has become purified, we are able to enjoy sweet fruit eating with no problems. Remember:

* To promote optimum digestion, inner cleanliness and health, eat sweet fruit only on an empty stomach, and eat fruit alone or with only neutral green vegetables and/or cucumbers, except for melons which always need to be eaten alone.

* To help overcome any sweet fruit overeating habits, eat consciously and slowly, and, if appealing, eat sweet fruit with greens and/or cucumbers so that you fill up on less sugar and more fiber.

* To avoid metabolic and dental problems, dried fruit should be avoided or eaten in minimal amounts followed by brushing, or eaten after rehydrating in water.

* We need to exercise every day in order to fully metabolize fruit sugar and create health — if we don’t create a need for food nourishment, fruit or any food can pollute our body.

* Anatomically, we are frugivores, thus, fruit is our most healthful food — be active, eat simply, and enjoy your fruit in good health!

Source : From Living Nutrition vol. 6